These galleries are my work from 1983 until today. From the time I was in College, I shot on film and experimented with all kinds of film stocks as well as film sizes. I had an 8x10 Deardorff and a 5x7/4x5 large format Deardorff camera. I did use a Speed Graphic 4x5 for a brief time. In the beginning I did shoot 35mm film and went from a 110 Instamatic to a Minolta 35mm x700. It was not until 2002 did I switch over to digital and started shooting with a Sigma Sd-9 then an Sd10. I later updated to Canon 5D (perhaps my favorite camera). I am currently shooting with a Canon 6R mirrorless camera. The new mirrorless cameras have definitely given the DSLR’s a run for the money.